short-description: Brief overview of a custom sender and operation ...

Writing your own sender and operation

While libasync provides a veriaty of existing types, one may wish to write their own senders and operations. The most common reason for writing a custom sender and operation is wrapping around an existing callback or event based API while avoiding extra costs induced by allocating coroutine frames. The following section goes into detail on how to implement them by implementing a simple wrapper for libuv's uv_write.

End effect

The sender and operation we'll implement here will allow us to do the following:

auto result = co_await write(my_handle, my_bufs, n_my_bufs);
if (result < 0)
	/* report error */

The implementation

The sender

As explained in , the sender is an object that stores the neceessary state to start an operation. Let's start off by looking at the prototype for uv_write:

int uv_write(uv_write_t *req, uv_stream_t *handle, const uv_buf_t bufs[], unsigned int nbufs, uv_write_cb cb);

The function takes some object that stores the state (not to be confused with our operation object), a handle to the stream, buffers to write and a callback. The callback is also given a status code, which we will propagate back to the user. The state and callback will be handled by our operation, which leaves only the handle, buffers and status code.

Let's start by writing a simple class:

struct [[nodiscard]] write_sender {
	using value_type = int; // Status code

	uv_stream_t *handle;
	const uv_buf_t *bufs;
	size_t nbufs;

As can be seen, the sender class is quite simple. The nodiscard attribute only helps catch errors caused by accidentally ignoring the sender without awaiting it and can be omitted.

Next we add a simple function used to construct the sender:

write_sender write(uv_stream_t *handle, const uv_buf_t *bufs, size_t nbufs) {
	return write_sender{handle, bufs, nbufs};

In addition to that, we need the connect overload:

template <typename Receiver>
write_operation<Receiver> connect(write_sender s, Receiver r) {
	return {s, std::move(r)};

connect simply constructs an operation from the sender and receiver.

We also add an implementation of operator co_await for our class so that we can co_await it inside of a coroutine:

async::sender_awaiter<write_sender, write_sender::value_type>
operator co_await(write_sender s) {
	return {s};

async::sender_awaiter is a special type that can suspend and resume the coroutine, and internally connects a receiver to our sender.

The operation

With the sender done, what remains to be written is the operation. As noted earlier, the operation is constructed using the sender and receiver, and it stores the operation state. As such, we want each call to write to have an unique operation object. Let's start by writing a skeleton for the class:

template <typename Receiver>
struct write_operation {
	write_operation(write_sender s, Receiver r)
	: req_{}, handle_{s.handle}, bufs_{s.bufs}, nbufs_{s.nbufs}, r_{std::move(r)} { }

	write_operation(const write_operation &) = delete;
	write_operation &operator=(const write_operation &) = delete;
	write_operation(write_operation &&) = delete;
	write_operation &operator=(write_operation &&) = delete;

	uv_write_t req_;
	uv_stream_t *handle_;
	const uv_buf_t *bufs_;
	size_t nbufs_;

	Receiver r_;

The operation stores all the necessary state, and is templated on the receiver type in order to support any receiver type.

The operation is also made immovable and non-copyable so that pointers to it can safely be taken without worrying that they may become invalid at some point.

Next, we add a start_inline method:

bool start_inline() {
	auto result = uv_write(&req_, handle_, bufs_, nbufs_, [] (uv_write_t *req, int status) {
		/* TODO */

	if (result < 0) {
		async::execution::set_value_inline(r_, result);
		return true; // Completed inline

	return false; // Did not complete inline

We use start_inline here in order to notify the user of any immediate errors synchronously. We use functions defined inside of async::execution to set the value, because they properly detect which method should be called on the receiver.

Now, let's implement the actual asynchronous completion:

	handle_->data = this;
	auto result = uv_write(&req_, handle_, bufs_, nbufs_, [] (uv_write_t *req, int status) {
		auto op = static_cast<write_operation *>(req->handle->data);

We use the handle's user data field to store a pointer to this instance of the operation in order to be able to access it later. This is necessary as otherwise we'd have no way of knowing which operation caused our callback to be entered. Do note that this way of implementing it means that only one write operation may be in progress at once. One way to solve this would be to have a wrapper object that manages the handle and has a map of req to write_operation, but that's beyond the scope of this example.

Note: Due to how libuv operates (it hides the actual event loop and instead dispatches callbacks directly), the will not have any logic apart from invoking uv_run to do one iteration of the event loop.

Finally, we add our complete method:

	void complete(int status) {
		async::execution::set_value_noinline(r_, status);

On complete, we use async::execution::set_value_noinline to set the result value and notify the receiver that the operation is complete (so that it can for example resume the suspended coroutine, like the async::sender_awaiter receiver).

Full code

All of this put together gives us the following code:

// ----------------------------------------------
// Sender
// ----------------------------------------------

struct [[nodiscard]] write_sender {
	using value_type = int; // Status code

	uv_stream_t *handle;
	const uv_buf_t *bufs;
	size_t nbufs;

write_sender write(uv_stream_t *handle, const uv_buf_t *bufs, size_t nbufs) {
	return write_sender{handle, bufs, nbufs};

template <typename Receiver>
write_operation<Receiver> conneect(write_sender s, Receiver r) {
	return {s, std::move(r)};

async::sender_awaiter<write_sender, write_sender::value_type>
operator co_await(write_sender s) {
	return {s};

// ----------------------------------------------
// Operation
// ----------------------------------------------

template <typename Receiver>
struct write_operation {
	write_operation(write_sender s, Receiver r)
	: req_{}, handle_{s.handle}, bufs_{s.bufs}, nbufs_{s.nbufs}, r_{std::move(r)} { }

	write_operation(const write_operation &) = delete;
	write_operation &operator=(const write_operation &) = delete;
	write_operation(write_operation &&) = delete;
	write_operation &operator=(write_operation &&) = delete;

	bool start_inline() {
		handle_->data = this;
		auto result = uv_write(&req_, handle_, bufs_, nbufs_, [] (uv_write_t *req, int status) {
			auto op = static_cast<write_operation *>(req->handle->data);

		if (result < 0) {
			async::execution::set_value_inline(r_, result);
			return true; // Completed inline

		return false; // Did not complete inline

	void complete(int status) {
		async::execution::set_value_noinline(r_, status);

	uv_write_t req_;
	uv_stream_t *handle_;
	const uv_buf_t *bufs_;
	size_t nbufs_;

	Receiver r_;