
future is a type that can be used to await a value from the promise. The stored data is only destroyed when the promise, and all associated futures go out of scope.


template <typename T, typename Allocator>
struct future {
	friend void swap(future &a, future &b); // (1)

	future(Allocator allocator = {}); // (2)

	future(const future &); // (3)
	future(future &&); // (4)

	future &operator=(const future &); // (3)
	future &operator=(future &&); // (4)

	sender get(cancellation_token ct); // (5)
	sender get(); // (6)

	bool valid(); // (7)
	operator bool (); // (7)
  1. Swaps two futures.
  2. Constructs an empty future.
  3. Copies a future. The copy of the future refers to the same state as the original object in a manner similar to a shared_ptr.
  4. Moves a future.
  5. Asynchronously obtains the value.
  6. Same as (5).
  7. Checks whether the future has valid state.


T is any type. Allocator is an allocator.


  • ct - the cancellation token to use.

Return values

  1. This function doesn't return any value.
  2. N/A
  3. N/A for constructor, reference to this object for assignment operator.
  4. Same as (3).
  5. This method returns a sender of unspecified type. If T is not void, the sender returns a value of type frg::optional<T *>. It returns the pointer if the value was obtained successfully, frg::null_opt if the operation was cancelled. If T is void, the sender returns true if the value was obtained successfully, false if the operation was cancelled.
  6. This method returns a sender of unspecified type. If T is not void, the sender returns a pointer to the stored value. If T is void, it doesn't return anything.
  7. These methods return true if the future has valid state, false otherwise.