
#include <async/queue.hpp>

queue is a type which provides a queue on which you can asynchronously wait for items to appear.


template <typename T, typename Allocator>
struct queue {
	queue(Allocator allocator = {}); // (1)

	void put(T item); // (2)

	template <typename ...Ts>
	void emplace(Ts &&...ts); // (3)

	sender async_get(cancellation_token ct = {}); // (4)

	frg::optional<T> maybe_get() // (5)
  1. Constructs a queue with the given allocator.
  2. Inserts an item into the queue.
  3. Emplaces an item into the queue.
  4. Returns a sender for the get operation. The operation waits for an item to be inserted and returns it.
  5. Pops and returns the top item if it exists, or frg::null_opt otherwise.


T is moveable. Allocator is an allocator.

  1. T is constructible with Ts.


  • allocator - the allocator to use.
  • item - the item to insert into the queue.
  • ts - the arguments to pass to the constructor of T when inserting it into the queue.
  • ct - the cancellation token to use.

Return values

  1. N/A
  2. This method doesn't return any value.
  3. Same as (2).
  4. This method returns a sender of unspecified type. The sender returns a frg::optional<T> and completes with the value, or frg::null_opt if the operation was cancelled.
  5. This method returns a value of type frg::optional<T>. It returns a value from the queue, or frg::null_opt if the queue is empty.


auto coro = [] (async::queue<int, frg::stl_allocator> &q) -> async::detached {
	std::cout << "Got " << *(co_await q.async_get()) << std::endl;
	std::cout << "Got " << *(co_await q.async_get()) << std::endl;

async::queue<int, frg::stl_allocator> q;


